Monday, December 2, 2013

FOMT: Here Come The Summer

Screw it, I like starting late in the day
I played some more Kabi-Island which is better then the physical version I actually own
And I reached the Summer season
Beach Day. Girls in bikini's? Nope! don't get your hopes up!
Its not Rune Factory 3 or anything...
O Right I also bought a mirror 2 days earlier.
 just need to get back in and then out and recieve it. Nice
What was beach day you ask? It was a mini-game. I'll tell you next Summer!
Popuri's B-day gift, Check!
I also bought a chicken named Chibi for eggs. 
Which get higher prices if you boil them in the hot spring.
Planted some unions which brought me some much needed cash
My next task was to get the watering can high enough for the upgrade.
 But enough of that. Hot Spring time!
And this is why I bought Dear little chibi. 
So she can enter something from Peta's laundry list!
 Not to worry though, we won without a hitch! All to easy!
Now Chibi can lay Golden Eggs which can be sold for very high prices. 
Sadly only after like 5 hearts.
 Okay now to upgrade the house. 
Which is build in 3 days and makes way for all the good stuff.
The onions are ready to be shipped. And I need the cash!
But first things first. Time to incubate an egg. The cheapest way to get more chickens.
I made sure the watering can is in the blue and that I have Mystril ore so I can upgrade it.
 And Popuri reached her first heart! 
Which actually should have happened in the first 3 weeks but I was busy xD
Finally I am going to try an event.
 Which is only possible after having the mirror and the first house extension.
Really my screencaps don't do it justice. I wish this thing had a video capture feature.
 Now I am off for dinner and Kirby, lots of Kirby!

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